All services are in the church, and all of our facilities are wheelchair accessible.
Sundays 8:30 a.m. – Traditional Service
A traditional Book of Common Prayer with said Eucharist.
This is a short service without hymns, familiar to Anglicans. A core group of parishioners attends the service, joined by other parishioners, especially in the summer, who want to go to church early and enjoy what Beaverton for the rest of the day.
Sundays 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Service
A modern service from the Book of Alternative Services, with hymns and Sunday School.
This service includes four hymns and the occasional choir anthem. It is an inter-generational service that welcomes parents to keep their children in church. On the occasions when there are Spanish speaking parishioners present, parts of the service are spoken in both English and Spanish. There is a coffee hour after the service to help continue to form bonds between parishioners and visitors.
Mondays 7:15 p.m. – Spanish Mass
There is a Spanish Mass each Monday at 7:15 p.m. from June-October.
This service is full of traditional and modern Mexican music. It’s also held entirely in Spanish, except for the sermon, which is said in both Spanish and English. After the service, there is a time of fellowship in the hall where Canadian and Mexican parishioners mingle together.